Man pages for DBfit
A Double Bootstrap Method for Analyzing Linear Models with Autoregressive Errors

boot1First Boostrap Procedure For parameter estimations
boot2First Boostrap Procedure For parameter estimations
dbfitThe main function for the double bootstrap method
DBfit-packageA Double Bootstrap Method for Analyzing Linear Models With...
durbin1fitDurbin stage 1 fit
durbin1xyCreating New X and Y for Durbin Stage 1
durbin2fitDurbin stage 2 fit
fullrQR decomposition for non-full rank design matrix for Rfit.
hmdesign2the Two-Phase Design Matrix
hmmatK-Phase Design Matrix
hypothmatGeneral Linear Tests of the regression coefficients
lagxLag Functions
nurhoCreating a new response variable for Durbin stage 2
print.dbfitDBfit Internal Print Functions
rhoci2A fisher type CI of the autoregressive parameter rho
simpgen1hm2Simulation Data Generating Function
simulaWork Horse Function to implement the Double Bootstrap method
simulacorrectionWork Horse Function to Implement the Double Bootstrap Method...
summary.dbfitSummarize the double bootstrap (DB) fit
wrhoCreating a new design matrix for Durbin stage 2
DBfit documentation built on May 1, 2021, 1:09 a.m.