Man pages for DCCA
Detrended Fluctuation and Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis

CovF2dfaAutocovariance function of the detrended variance
CovFdccaAutocovariance function of the detrended cross-covariance
EF2dfaExpected value of the detrended variance
EFdccaExpected value of the detrended cross-covariance
F2dfaDetrended Variance
FdccaDetrended Cross-covariance
JnMatrix J
KkronmThe product of Kronecker Product of some Arrays
KmMatrix K
PmProjection Matrix P
QmProjection Matrix Q
rhodccaDetrended Cross-correlation coefficient
rhoEThe limit value of the detrended cross-covariance
DCCA documentation built on Jan. 1, 2020, 5:06 p.m.