
Defines functions haplotypePainter computeObsWSAF plotObsExpWSAF plotWSAFvsPLAF histWSAF plotAltVsRef plotProportions extractPLAF extractCoverageFromVcf extractCoverageFromTxt

Documented in computeObsWSAF extractCoverageFromTxt extractCoverageFromVcf extractPLAF haplotypePainter histWSAF plotAltVsRef plotObsExpWSAF plotProportions plotWSAFvsPLAF

#' @title Extract read counts from plain text file
#' @description Extract read counts from tab-delimited text files of a single
#'  sample.
#' @note The allele count files must be tab-delimited. The allele count files
#'  contain three columns: chromosomes, positions and allele count.
#' @param refFileName Path of the reference allele count file.
#' @param altFileName Path of the alternative allele count file.
#' @return A data.frame contains four columns: chromosomes, positions, reference
#'  allele count, alternative allele count.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' refFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.ref", package = "DEploid")
#' altFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.alt", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390 = extractCoverageFromTxt(refFile, altFile)

extractCoverageFromTxt <- function(refFileName, altFileName) {
    ref <- read.table(refFileName, header = TRUE, comment.char = "")
    alt <- read.table(altFileName, header = TRUE, comment.char = "")
    return(data.frame(CHROM = ref[, 1],
                      POS = ref[, 2],
                      refCount = ref[, 3],
                      altCount = alt[, 3]))

#' @title Extract read counts from VCF
#' @description Extract read counts from VCF file of a single sample.
#' @note The VCF file should only contain one sample. If more samples present in
#'  the VCF, it only returns coverage for of the first sample.
#' @param vcfFileName Path of the VCF file.
#' @param ADFieldIndex Index of the AD field of the sample field. For example,
#'  if the format is "GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL", the AD index is 2 (by default).
#' @return A data.frame contains four columns: chromosomes, positions, reference
#'  allele count, alternative allele count.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vcfFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.vcf.gz", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390 = extractCoverageFromVcf(vcfFile)

extractCoverageFromVcf <- function(vcfFileName, ADFieldIndex = 2) {
    # Assume that AD is the second field
    h <- function(w) {
         if (any(grepl("gzfile connection", w)))

    gzf <- gzfile(vcfFileName, open = "rb")
    numberOfHeaderLines <- 0
    line <- withCallingHandlers(readLines(gzf, n = 1), warning = h)
    while (length(line) > 0) {
        if (grepl("##", line)) {
            numberOfHeaderLines <- numberOfHeaderLines + 1
        } else {
        line <- withCallingHandlers(readLines(gzf, n = 1), warning = h)

    vcf <- read.table(gzfile(vcfFileName), skip = numberOfHeaderLines,
        header = T, comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
        check.names = FALSE)

    sampleName <- names(vcf)[10]

    tmp <- vcf[[sampleName]]
    field <- strsplit(as.character(tmp), ":")

    tmpCovStr <- unlist(lapply(field, `[[`, ADFieldIndex))
    tmpCov <- strsplit(as.character(tmpCovStr), ",")

    refCount <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(tmpCov, `[[`, 1)))
    altCount <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(tmpCov, `[[`, 2)))

    return(data.frame(CHROM = vcf[, 1],
                         POS = vcf[, 2],
                         refCount = refCount,
                         altCount = altCount))

#' @title Extract PLAF
#' @description Extract population level allele frequency (PLAF) from text file.
#' @note The text file must have header, and population level allele frequency
#'  recorded in the "PLAF" field.
#' @param plafFileName Path of the PLAF text file.
#' @return A numeric array of PLAF
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plafFile = system.file("extdata", "labStrains.test.PLAF.txt",
#'   package = "DEploid")
#' plaf = extractPLAF(plafFile)

extractPLAF <- function(plafFileName) {
    return(read.table(plafFileName, header = T)$PLAF)

#' @title Plot proportions
#' @description Plot the MCMC samples of the proportion, indexed by the MCMC
#'  chain.
#' @param proportions Matrix of the MCMC proportion samples. The matrix size is
#'  number of the MCMC samples by the number of strains.
#' @param title Figure title.
#' @param cex.lab Label size.
#' @param cex.main Title size.
#' @param cex.axis Axis text size.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plafFile = system.file("extdata", "labStrains.test.PLAF.txt",
#'     package = "DEploid")
#' panelFile = system.file("extdata", "labStrains.test.panel.txt",
#'     package = "DEploid")
#' refFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.ref", package = "DEploid")
#' altFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.alt", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390CoverageT = extractCoverageFromTxt(refFile, altFile)
#' PG0390Coverage.deconv = dEploid(paste("-ref", refFile, "-alt", altFile,
#'     "-plaf", plafFile, "-noPanel"))
#' plotProportions(PG0390Coverage.deconv$Proportions, "PG0390-C proportions")
#' }

plotProportions <- function(proportions, title = "Components",
                       cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, cex.axis = 1) {
    rainbowColorBin <- 16
    barplot(t(proportions), beside = F, border = NA,
        col = rainbow(rainbowColorBin), space = 0, xlab = "Iteration",
        ylab = "Component proportion", main = title,
        cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main, cex.axis = cex.axis)

#' @title Plot coverage
#' @description Plot alternative allele count vs reference allele count at each
#'  site.
#' @param ref Numeric array of reference allele count.
#' @param alt Numeric array of alternative allele count.
#' @param title Figure title, "Alt vs Ref" by default
#' @param exclude.ref Numeric array of reference allele count at sites that are
#' not deconvoluted.
#' @param exclude.alt Numeric array of alternative allele count at sites that
#'  are not deconvoluted
#' @param potentialOutliers Index of potential outliers.
#' @param cex.lab Label size.
#' @param cex.main Title size.
#' @param cex.axis Axis text size.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example 1
#' refFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.ref", package = "DEploid")
#' altFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.alt", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390CoverageT = extractCoverageFromTxt(refFile, altFile)
#' plotAltVsRef(PG0390CoverageT$refCount, PG0390CoverageT$altCount)
#' # Example 2
#' vcfFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.vcf.gz", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390CoverageV = extractCoverageFromVcf(vcfFile)
#' plotAltVsRef(PG0390CoverageV$refCount, PG0390CoverageV$altCount)

plotAltVsRef <- function(ref, alt, title = "Alt vs Ref",
                    exclude.ref = c(), exclude.alt = c(),
                    potentialOutliers = c(), cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                    cex.axis = 1) {
    cr <- colorRampPalette(colors = c("#de2d26", "#2b8cbe"))
    colors <- cr(31)
    ratios <- ref / (ref + alt + 0.0000001)
    tmpRange <- 1.1 * mean(max(alt), max(ref))
    plot(ref, alt, xlim = c(0, tmpRange), ylim = c(0, tmpRange),
        pch = 20, col = scales::alpha(colors[ceiling(ratios * 30) + 1], 0.7),
        xlab = "Reference # Reads", ylab = "Alternative # Reads", main = title,
        cex = 0.5, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main, cex.axis = cex.axis)
    legend("topright", legend = c("100% Alt", "100% Ref", "50/50"),
        fill = colors[c(1, 31, 15)], cex = cex.lab, border = NA, box.lwd = 0,
        box.col = "white", bg = NA)
    abline(a = 0, b = 1, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "gray")
    points(exclude.ref, exclude.alt, col = "red")
    abline(v = 50, untf = FALSE, lty = 2)
    abline(h = 50, untf = FALSE, lty = 2)

    abline(h = 150, untf = FALSE, lty = 2)
    abline(v = 150, untf = FALSE, lty = 2)

    if (length(potentialOutliers) > 0) {
        points(ref[potentialOutliers], alt[potentialOutliers], col = "black",
               pch = "x", cex = 2)

#' @title WSAF histogram
#' @description Produce histogram of the allele frequency within sample.
#' @param obsWSAF Observed allele frequency within sample
#' @param exclusive When TRUE 0 < WSAF < 1; otherwise 0 <= WSAF <= 1.
#' @param title Histogram title
#' @param cex.lab Label size.
#' @param cex.main Title size.
#' @param cex.axis Axis text size.
#' @return histogram
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example 1
#' refFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.ref", package = "DEploid")
#' altFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.alt", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390Coverage = extractCoverageFromTxt(refFile, altFile)
#' obsWSAF = computeObsWSAF(PG0390Coverage$altCount, PG0390Coverage$refCount)
#' histWSAF(obsWSAF)
#' myhist = histWSAF(obsWSAF, FALSE)
#' # Example 2
#' vcfFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.vcf.gz", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390CoverageV = extractCoverageFromVcf(vcfFile)
#' obsWSAF = computeObsWSAF(PG0390CoverageV$altCount, PG0390CoverageV$refCount)
#' histWSAF(obsWSAF)
#' myhist = histWSAF(obsWSAF, FALSE)
histWSAF <- function(obsWSAF, exclusive = TRUE,
                title ="Histogram 0<WSAF<1",
                cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, cex.axis = 1) {
    tmpWSAFIndex <- seq_len(length(obsWSAF))
    if (exclusive) {
        tmpWSAFIndex <- which(((obsWSAF < 1) * (obsWSAF > 0)) == 1)
    return(hist(obsWSAF[tmpWSAFIndex], main = title,
        breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1), xlab = "WSAF", col = "gray",
        cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main, cex.axis = cex.axis))

#' @title Plot WSAF vs PLAF
#' @description Plot allele frequencies within sample against population level.
#' @param plaf Numeric array of population level allele frequency.
#' @param obsWSAF Numeric array of observed altenative allele frequencies within
#'  sample.
#' @param expWSAF Numeric array of expected WSAF from model.
#' @param title Figure title, "WSAF vs PLAF" by default
#' @param potentialOutliers Index of potential outliers.
#' @param cex.lab Label size.
#' @param cex.main Title size.
#' @param cex.axis Axis text size.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example 1
#' refFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.ref", package = "DEploid")
#' altFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.alt", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390CoverageT = extractCoverageFromTxt(refFile, altFile)
#' obsWSAF = computeObsWSAF(PG0390CoverageT$altCount, PG0390CoverageT$refCount)
#' plafFile = system.file("extdata", "labStrains.test.PLAF.txt",
#'   package = "DEploid")
#' plaf = extractPLAF(plafFile)
#' plotWSAFvsPLAF(plaf, obsWSAF)
#' # Example 2
#' vcfFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.vcf.gz", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390CoverageV = extractCoverageFromVcf(vcfFile)
#' obsWSAF = computeObsWSAF(PG0390CoverageV$altCount, PG0390CoverageV$refCount)
#' plafFile = system.file("extdata", "labStrains.test.PLAF.txt",
#'   package = "DEploid")
#' plaf = extractPLAF(plafFile)
#' plotWSAFvsPLAF(plaf, obsWSAF)
plotWSAFvsPLAF <- function(plaf, obsWSAF, expWSAF = c(),
                      potentialOutliers = c(), title = "WSAF vs PLAF",
                      cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, cex.axis = 1) {
    plot(plaf, obsWSAF, cex = 0.5, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1),
        col = "red", main = title, xlab = "PLAF", ylab = "WSAF",
        cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main, cex.axis = cex.axis)
    if (length(expWSAF) > 0) {
        points(plaf, expWSAF, cex = 0.5, col = "blue")
    if (length(potentialOutliers) > 0) {
        points(plaf[potentialOutliers], obsWSAF[potentialOutliers],
        col = "black", pch = "x", cex = 2)

#' @title Plot WSAF
#' @description Plot observed alternative allele frequency within sample against
#'  expected WSAF.
#' @param obsWSAF Numeric array of observed WSAF.
#' @param expWSAF Numeric array of expected WSAF.
#' @param title Figure title.
#' @param cex.lab Label size.
#' @param cex.main Title size.
#' @param cex.axis Axis text size.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vcfFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.vcf.gz", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390CoverageV = extractCoverageFromVcf(vcfFile)
#' obsWSAF = computeObsWSAF(PG0390CoverageV$altCount, PG0390CoverageV$refCount)
#' plafFile = system.file("extdata", "labStrains.test.PLAF.txt",
#'  package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390.deconv = dEploid(paste("-vcf", vcfFile,
#'                                        "-plaf", plafFile, "-noPanel"))
#' prop = PG0390.deconv$Proportions[dim(PG0390.deconv$Proportions)[1],]
#' expWSAF = t(PG0390.deconv$Haps) %*% prop
#' plotObsExpWSAF(obsWSAF, expWSAF)
#' }
plotObsExpWSAF <- function(obsWSAF, expWSAF,
                      title = "WSAF(observed vs expected)",
                      cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, cex.axis = 1) {
    plot(obsWSAF, expWSAF, pch = 19, col = "blue",
        xlab = "Observed WSAF (ALT/(ALT+REF))", ylab = "Expected WSAF (h%*%p)",
        main = title, xlim = c(-0.05, 1.05), cex = 0.5, ylim = c(-0.05, 1.05),
        cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main, cex.axis = cex.axis)
    abline(0, 1, lty = "dotted");

#' @title Compute observed WSAF
#' @description Compute observed allele frequency within sample from the allele
#'  counts.
#' @param ref Numeric array of reference allele count.
#' @param alt Numeric array of alternative allele count.
#' @return Numeric array of observed allele frequency within sample.
#' @seealso \code{\link{histWSAF}} for histogram.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example 1
#' refFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.ref", package = "DEploid")
#' altFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.alt", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390CoverageT = extractCoverageFromTxt(refFile, altFile)
#' obsWSAF = computeObsWSAF(PG0390CoverageT$altCount, PG0390CoverageT$refCount)
#' # Example 2
#' vcfFile = system.file("extdata", "PG0390-C.test.vcf.gz", package = "DEploid")
#' PG0390CoverageV = extractCoverageFromVcf(vcfFile)
#' obsWSAF = computeObsWSAF(PG0390CoverageV$altCount, PG0390CoverageV$refCount)
computeObsWSAF <- function(alt, ref) {
    return(alt / (ref + alt + 0.00000001))

#' @title Painting haplotype according the reference panel
#' @description Plot the posterior probabilities of a haplotype given the
#'  refernece panel.
#' @param posteriorProbabilities Posterior probabilities matrix with the size of
#'  number of loci by the number of reference strain.
#' @param title Figure title.
#' @param labelScaling Scaling parameter for plotting.
#' @param numberOfInbreeding Number of inbreeding strains copying from.
#' @export
haplotypePainter <- function(posteriorProbabilities, title = "", labelScaling,
                        numberOfInbreeding = 0) {
    rainbowColorBin <- 16
    rainbowColors <- rainbow(rainbowColorBin)
    if (numberOfInbreeding > 0) {
        panelSize <- dim(posteriorProbabilities)[2] - numberOfInbreeding
        rainbowColors <- c(rep("#46a8e1", panelSize),
                           rep("#f34747", numberOfInbreeding))
    barplot(t(posteriorProbabilities), beside = F, border = NA,
        col = rainbowColors, space = 0, xlab = "SNP index",
        ylab = "", main = title, cex.axis = labelScaling / 5,
        cex.lab = labelScaling / 6, cex.main = labelScaling / 5,
        xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
    newXaxt <- round(seq(1, dim(posteriorProbabilities)[1], length.out = 6))
    axis(1, at = newXaxt, labels = as.character(newXaxt),
        cex.axis = labelScaling / 7)
    newYaxt <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 3)
    axis(2, at = newYaxt, labels = as.character(newYaxt),
        cex.axis = labelScaling / 7)

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