parametersExample: Parameters Example

Description Usage Format Details


A test list of parameters for surveySim()




An object of class surveySim of length 10.


This is just a test list of parameters to be used as an example in surveySim().

The values of this parameters are:

Width between survey lines (col.width) = 50 m

Type of survey grid (grid.type) = hexagonal

Number of simulations = 10

Survey area = 0.5km x 0.5km

Density of sites (site.density) = 20

Area of sites (site.area) = 10,000m2

Maximum site overlap = 0.5

Density of artifacts (obj.density) = 1/m2

Artifact distribution (obj.distribution) = spherical

Survey radius (survey.radius) = 0.5m

DIGSS documentation built on Aug. 4, 2021, 5:06 p.m.