Potato.Convex: Example data from the convex potato field from Arnhold et al....

Potato.ConvexR Documentation

Example data from the convex potato field from Arnhold et al. (2013)


Example input data for running the DMMF function. This data is based on the field data from the convex potato field described in Arnhold et al. (2013) with optimized parameters described in Choi et al. (2017).




Potato.Convex contains input data for the DMMF including map type and numeric type variables. Static variables are fixed and do not change with time (or period). Dynamic variables change with time (or period).
s.map: Static input maps for the DMMF model.

  • DEM_original: RasterLayer object of original digital elevation model (DEM) of the convex potato field before filling sinks.

  • DEM: RasterLayer object of DEM after applying sinkfill algorithm.

  • IMP: RasterLayer object of the proportion of area covered with impervious surface cover.

  • n_s: RasterLayer object of the Manning's roughness coefficient of the soil surface.

d.map: Dynamic input maps for the DMMF model.

  • theta_init: RasterStack object of the initial soil water content of entire soil profile for each rainfall period.

s.var: Static input numeric variables for the DMMF model.

  • P_c: Numeric object of proportion of clay particles in surface area.

  • P_z: Numeric object of proportion of silt particles in surface area.

  • P_s: Numeric object of proportion of sand particles in surface area.

  • theta_sat: Numeric object of saturated soil water content of entire soil profile.

  • theta_fc: Numeric object of soil water content at field capacity of entire soil profile.

  • SD: Numeric object of soil depth.

  • K: Numeric object of saturated lateral hydraulic conductivity which is obtained from model calibration described in Choi et al. (2017).

  • P_I: Numeric object of proportion of permanent interception area of rainfall.

  • GC: Numeric object of proportion of area with pervious vegetated ground cover.

  • D: Numeric object of average diameter of individual plant elements at the surface.

  • NV: Numeric object of number of individual plant elements per unit area.

  • d_a: Numeric object of typical flow depth of surface runoff.

  • DK_c: Numeric of detachability of clay particles by rainfall.

  • DK_z: Numeric of detachability of silt particles by rainfall.

  • DK_s: Numeric of detachability of sand particles by rainfall.

  • DR_c: Numeric of detachability of clay particles by surface runoff.

  • DR_z: Numeric of detachability of silt particles by surface runoff.

  • DR_s: Numeric of detachability of sand particles by surface runoff.

d.var: Dynamic input numeric variables for the DMMF model.

  • R: Numeric vector object of daily rainfall per unit area.

  • RI: Numeric vector object of mean hourly rainfall intensity during a day.

  • ET: Numeric vector object of evapotranspiration per unit area.

  • CC: Numeric vector object of proportion of area with canopy cover.

  • PH: Numeric vector or object of average height of vegetation or crop cover where leaf drainage start to fall

  • Breaking: Numeric vector of starting points of each simulation period.

  • Init_point: Numeric vector of starting points of each rainfall event.


Kwanghun Choi and Sebastian Arnhold


Choi, K., Arnhold, S., Huwe, B., Reineking, B. (2017). Daily based Morgan–Morgan–Finney (DMMF) model: A spatially distributed conceptual soil erosion model to simulate complex soil surface configurations. Water, 9(4), 278.

Arnhold, S., Ruidisch, M., Bartsch, S., Shope, C., Huwe, B. (2013). Simulation of runoff patterns and soil erosion on mountainous farmland with and without plastic-covered ridge-furrow cultivation in South Korea. Transactions of the ASABE, 56(2):667–679.

See Also

DMMF for details of variables.

DMMF documentation built on April 26, 2023, 9:11 a.m.