Man pages for DOPE
Drug Ontology Parsing Engine

compress_lookupCollapse Redundant Rows of a Lookup Table
dea_brandsDrug brand info
dea_controlledDrug controlled substance synonyms
dea_factsheetsDrug ontology information from
dea_street_namesDrug slang from DEA's DIR-020-17 Drug Slang Code Words.pdf
drug_dfSimulated drug data
drug_stop_wordsA vector with drug-specific stop words in English
iqviaData sent from IQVIA
lookupMake a table with the class and category for a drug name
lookup_dfA lookup table with drug class, category, and synonyms
lookup_synMake a table with the class and category for a drug name
noslang_rawDrug terms from
noslang_street_namesDrug slang from
parseParse a vector of free text containing drug information
DOPE documentation built on June 19, 2021, 1:06 a.m.