Man pages for DOSPortfolio
Dynamic Optimal Shrinkage Portfolio

ComputeBetaA helper function for computing beta coefficients used in the...
ComputeDA helper function for computing D-coefficients used in the...
ConvexCombinationComputes a convex combination between two vectors.
DOSPortfolioThe Dynamic Optimal Shrinkage Portfolio interface.
DOSPortfolio-packageA set of tools for constructing Dynamic Optimal Shrinkage...
new_DOSPortfolioConstructor for the DOSPortfolio class
r0StrategyComputes the relative loss of the target portfolio used
rUpdateOverlappingThe recursive estimation for updating the relative loss in...
validate_inputValidates input to the DOSPortfolio function.
wGMVSample estimator of the weights of the global minimum...
wGMVNonOverlappingDynamic optimal shrinkage estimator of the weights of the...
wGMVOverlappingDynamic optimal shrinkage estimator of the weights of the...
DOSPortfolio documentation built on Sept. 13, 2021, 9:09 a.m.