Man pages for DPWeibull
Dirichlet Process Weibull Mixture Model for Survival Data

continueResume MCMC run
continue.ddpResume MCMC run
continue.ddpcompResume MCMC run
continue.dpmResume MCMC run
continue.dpmcompResume MCMC run
deteriorationTime to Cosmetic Deterioration of Breast Cancer Patients
dpweibDirichlet process mixture/Dependent Dirichlet process model...
plot.ddpplot estimated log hazard ratio functions from an object of...
plot.ddpcompplot estimated log subdistribution hazard ratio functions for...
plot.dpmplot estimated survival/density/hazard functions from an...
plot.dpmcompplot estimated cumulative incidence/ subdistribution density/...
plot.predddpplot estimated survival/density/hazard functions from an...
plot.predddpcompplot estimated cumulative incidence function/ subdistribution...
predict.ddpgenerate predictions for dependent Dirichlet process Weibull...
predict.ddpcompgenerate predictions for dependent Dirichlet process Weibull...
summary.ddpgenerate summary of the dpweib output with ddp class.
summary.ddpcompgenerate summary of the dpweib output with ddpcomp class.
summary.dpmgenerate summary of the dpweib output with dpm class.
summary.dpmcompgenerate summary of the dpweib output with dpmcomp class.
summary.predddpgenerate summary of the predict output with predddp class.
summary.predddpcompgenerate summary of the predict output with predddpcomp...
survmedianThe median of the surivival functions generated by LIO prior
DPWeibull documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 1:07 a.m.