EmpiricalRiskMinimizationDP.KST: Privacy-preserving Empirical Risk Minimization for Regression

EmpiricalRiskMinimizationDP.KSTR Documentation

Privacy-preserving Empirical Risk Minimization for Regression


This class implements differentially private empirical risk minimization using the objective perturbation technique \insertCiteKifer2012DPpack. It is intended to be a framework for building more specific models via inheritance. See LinearRegressionDP for an example of this type of structure.


To use this class for empirical risk minimization, first use the new method to construct an object of this class with the desired function values and hyperparameters. After constructing the object, the fit method can be applied with a provided dataset and data bounds to fit the model. In fitting, the model stores a vector of coefficients coeff which satisfy differential privacy. These can be released directly, or used in conjunction with the predict method to privately predict the outcomes of new datapoints.

Note that in order to guarantee differential privacy for the empirical risk minimization model, certain constraints must be satisfied for the values used to construct the object, as well as for the data used to fit. Specifically, the following constraints must be met. Let l represent the loss function for an individual dataset row x and output value y and L represent the average loss over all rows and output values. First, L must be convex with a continuous Hessian. Second, the l2-norm of the gradient of l must be bounded above by some constant zeta for all possible input values in the domain. Third, for all possible inputs to l, the Hessian of l must be of rank at most one and its Eigenvalues must be bounded above by some constant lambda. Fourth, the regularizer must be convex. Finally, the provided domain of l must be a closed convex subset of the set of all real-valued vectors of dimension p, where p is the number of columns of X. Note that because of this, a bias term cannot be included without appropriate scaling/preprocessing of the dataset. To ensure privacy, the add.bias argument in the fit and predict methods should only be utilized in subclasses within this package where appropriate preprocessing is implemented, not in this class.

Public fields


Map function of the form mapXy(X, coeff) mapping input data matrix X and coefficient vector or matrix coeff to output labels y.


Function representing the gradient of the map function with respect to the values in coeff and of the form mapXy.gr(X, coeff), where X is a matrix and coeff is a matrix or numeric vector.


Loss function of the form loss(y.hat, y), where y.hat and y are matrices.


Function representing the gradient of the loss function with respect to y.hat and of the form loss.gr(y.hat, y), where y.hat and y are matrices.


Regularization function of the form regularizer(coeff), where coeff is a vector or matrix.


Function representing the gradient of the regularization function with respect to coeff and of the form regularizer.gr(coeff).


Nonnegative real number representing the regularization constant.


Positive real number defining the epsilon privacy budget. If set to Inf, runs algorithm without differential privacy.


Nonnegative real number defining the delta privacy parameter. If 0, reduces to pure eps-DP.


List of constraint and jacobian functions representing the constraints on the search space for the objective perturbation algorithm used in \insertCiteKifer2012;textualDPpack.


Positive real number denoting the upper bound on the l2-norm value of the gradient of the loss function, as required to ensure differential privacy.


Positive real number corresponding to the upper bound of the Eigenvalues of the Hessian of the loss function for all possible inputs.


Numeric vector of coefficients for the model.


Public methods

Method new()

Create a new EmpiricalRiskMinimizationDP.KST object.

  mapXy.gr = NULL,
  loss.gr = NULL,
  regularizer.gr = NULL

Map function of the form mapXy(X, coeff) mapping input data matrix X and coefficient vector or matrix coeff to output labels y. Should return a column matrix of predicted labels for each row of X. See mapXy.linear for an example.


Loss function of the form loss(y.hat, y), where y.hat and y are matrices. Should be defined such that it returns a matrix of loss values for each element of y.hat and y. See loss.squared.error for an example. This function must be convex and the l2-norm of its gradient must be bounded above by zeta for some constant zeta for all possible inputs within the given domain. Additionally, for all possible inputs within the given domain, the Hessian of the loss function must be of rank at most one and its Eigenvalues must be bounded above by some constant lambda.


String or regularization function. If a string, must be 'l2', indicating to use l2 regularization. If a function, must have form regularizer(coeff), where coeff is a vector or matrix, and return the value of the regularizer at coeff. See regularizer.l2 for an example. Additionally, in order to ensure differential privacy, the function must be convex.


Positive real number defining the epsilon privacy budget. If set to Inf, runs algorithm without differential privacy.


Nonnegative real number defining the delta privacy parameter. If 0, reduces to pure eps-DP.


List of functions representing the constraints on the search space for the objective perturbation algorithm. Must contain two functions, labeled "constraints" and "jacobian", respectively. The "constraints" function accepts a vector of coefficients from the search space and returns a value such that the value is nonpositive if and only if the input coefficient vector is within the constrained search space. The "jacobian" function also accepts a vector of coefficients and returns the Jacobian of the constraint function. For example, in linear regression, the square of the l2-norm of the coefficient vector \theta is assumed to be bounded above by p, where p is the length of \theta \insertCiteKifer2012DPpack. So, domain could be defined as domain <- list("constraints"=function(coeff) coeff%*%coeff-length(coeff), "jacobian"=function(coeff) 2*coeff).


Positive real number denoting the upper bound on the l2-norm value of the gradient of the loss function, as required to ensure differential privacy.


Positive real number corresponding to the upper bound of the Eigenvalues of the Hessian of the loss function for all possible inputs.


Nonnegative real number representing the regularization constant.


Optional function representing the gradient of the map function with respect to the values in coeff. If given, must be of the form mapXy.gr(X, coeff), where X is a matrix and coeff is a matrix or numeric vector. Should be defined such that the ith row of the output represents the gradient with respect to the ith coefficient. See mapXy.gr.linear for an example. If not given, non-gradient based optimization methods are used to compute the coefficient values in fitting the model.


Optional function representing the gradient of the loss function with respect to y.hat and of the form loss.gr(y.hat, y), where y.hat and y are matrices. Should be defined such that the ith row of the output represents the gradient of the loss function at the ith set of input values. See loss.gr.squared.error for an example. If not given, non-gradient based optimization methods are used to compute the coefficient values in fitting the model.


Optional function representing the gradient of the regularization function with respect to coeff and of the form regularizer.gr(coeff). Should return a vector. See regularizer.gr.l2 for an example. If regularizer is given as a string, this value is ignored. If not given and regularizer is a function, non-gradient based optimization methods are used to compute the coefficient values in fitting the model.


A new EmpiricalRiskMinimizationDP.KST object.

Method fit()

Fit the differentially private emprirical risk minimization model. The function runs the objective perturbation algorithm \insertCiteKifer2012DPpack to generate an objective function. A numerical optimization method is then run to find optimal coefficients for fitting the model given the training data and hyperparameters. The nloptr function is used. If mapXy.gr, loss.gr, and regularizer.gr are all given in the construction of the object, the gradient of the objective function and the Jacobian of the constraint function are utilized for the algorithm, and the NLOPT_LD_MMA method is used. If one or more of these gradient functions are not given, the NLOPT_LN_COBYLA method is used. The resulting privacy-preserving coefficients are stored in coeff.

  add.bias = FALSE

Dataframe of data to be fit.


Vector or matrix of true values for each row of X.


Numeric vector of length ncol(X)+1 giving upper bounds on the values in each column of X and the values of y. The last value in the vector is assumed to be the upper bound on y, while the first ncol(X) values are assumed to be in the same order as the corresponding columns of X. Any value in the columns of X and in y larger than the corresponding upper bound is clipped at the bound.


Numeric vector of length ncol(X)+1 giving lower bounds on the values in each column of X and the values of y. The last value in the vector is assumed to be the lower bound on y, while the first ncol(X) values are assumed to be in the same order as the corresponding columns of X. Any value in the columns of X and in y larger than the corresponding lower bound is clipped at the bound.


Boolean indicating whether to add a bias term to X. Defaults to FALSE.

Method predict()

Predict y values for given X using the fitted coefficients.

EmpiricalRiskMinimizationDP.KST$predict(X, add.bias = FALSE)

Dataframe of data on which to make predictions. Must be of same form as X used to fit coefficients.


Boolean indicating whether to add a bias term to X. Defaults to FALSE. If add.bias was set to TRUE when fitting the coefficients, add.bias should be set to TRUE for predictions.


Matrix of predicted y values corresponding to each row of X.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

EmpiricalRiskMinimizationDP.KST$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.





# Build example dataset
n <- 500
X <- data.frame(X=seq(-1,1,length.out = n))
true.theta <- c(-.3,.5) # First element is bias term
p <- length(true.theta)
y <- true.theta[1] + as.matrix(X)%*%true.theta[2:p] + stats::rnorm(n=n,sd=.1)

# Construct object for linear regression
mapXy <- function(X, coeff) X%*%coeff
loss <- function(y.hat, y) (y.hat-y)^2/2
regularizer <- 'l2' # Alternatively, function(coeff) coeff%*%coeff/2
eps <- 1
delta <- 1
domain <- list("constraints"=function(coeff) coeff%*%coeff-length(coeff),
  "jacobian"=function(coeff) 2*coeff)
# Set p to be the number of predictors desired including intercept term (length of coeff)
zeta <- 2*p^(3/2) # Proper bound for linear regression
lambda <- p # Proper bound for linear regression
gamma <- 1
mapXy.gr <- function(X, coeff) t(X)
loss.gr <- function(y.hat, y) y.hat-y
regularizer.gr <- function(coeff) coeff

ermdp <- EmpiricalRiskMinimizationDP.KST$new(mapXy, loss, 'l2', eps, delta,
                                             domain, zeta, lambda,
                                             gamma, mapXy.gr, loss.gr,

# Fit with data
# We must assume y is a matrix with values between -p and p (-2 and 2
#   for this example)
upper.bounds <- c(1, 2) # Bounds for X and y
lower.bounds <- c(-1,-2) # Bounds for X and y
ermdp$fit(X, y, upper.bounds, lower.bounds, add.bias=TRUE)
ermdp$coeff # Gets private coefficients

# Predict new data points
# Build a test dataset
Xtest <- data.frame(X=c(-.5, -.25, .1, .4))
predicted.y <- ermdp$predict(Xtest, add.bias=TRUE)

DPpack documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 9:07 a.m.