Man pages for DRDID
Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators

drdidLocally efficient doubly robust DiD estimators for the ATT
drdid_imp_panelImproved locally efficient doubly robust DiD estimator for...
drdid_imp_rcImproved locally efficient doubly robust DiD estimator for...
drdid_imp_rc1Improved doubly robust DiD estimator for the ATT, with...
DRDID-packageDRDID: Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators
drdid_panelLocally efficient doubly robust DiD estimator for the ATT,...
drdid_rcLocally efficient doubly robust DiD estimator for the ATT,...
drdid_rc1Doubly robust DiD estimator for the ATT, with repeated...
ipwdidInverse probability weighted DiD estimators for the ATT
ipw_did_panelInverse probability weighted DiD estimator, with panel data
ipw_did_rcInverse probability weighted DiD estimator, with repeated...
nswNational Supported Work Demonstration dataset
nsw_longNational Supported Work Demonstration dataset, in long format
ordidOutcome regression DiD estimators for the ATT
reg_did_panelOutcome regression DiD estimator for the ATT, with panel data
reg_did_rcOutcome regression DiD estimator for the ATT, with repeated...
sim_rcSimulated repeated cross-section data
std_ipw_did_panelStandardized inverse probability weighted DiD estimator, with...
std_ipw_did_rcStandardized inverse probability weighted DiD estimator, with...
twfe_did_panelTwo-way fixed effects DiD estimator, with panel data
twfe_did_rcTwo-way fixed effects DiD estimator, with repeated...
DRDID documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:09 p.m.