
Defines functions .onAttach

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  packageStartupMessage("\nDRomics has been loaded.")
  packageStartupMessage("!!!! IMPORTANT CHANGES IN DEFAULT PLOT ARGUMENTS !!!!")
  packageStartupMessage("Now all the plot functions use by default a log10 scale")
  packageStartupMessage("for dose and BMD values, except curvesplot(),")
  packageStartupMessage("for which the use of a dose log scale requires the specification")
  packageStartupMessage("by the user of a non null minimal value (xmin).")
  packageStartupMessage("We also put the default value of the argument scaling at TRUE")
  packageStartupMessage("in curvesplot() and bmdplotwithgradient(),")
  packageStartupMessage("to focus on shapes of dose-responses rather than on their amplitude.\n")

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DRomics documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 5:09 p.m.