Man pages for DSSAT
A Comprehensive R Interface for the DSSAT Cropping Systems Model

add_col_widthsAdds width as a attribute to each column from a list of...
add_v_fmtAdds variable format information to a tibble
as_DSSAT_tblConvert tibble to DSSAT_tbl
calc_AMPCalculate long-term temperature amplitude (AMP)
calc_TAVCalculate long-term temperature average (TAV)
clear_outputClear output files
combine_tiersEfficiently combine data from two data tiers into one
convert_to_dateConverts a column to POSIXct
header_to_fwf_positionConverts header line into a vector of column names
mutate_condConvenience function that allows mutating a subset of rows
name_to_regexConvert column names to a regex
process_dssat_output_headerExtracts run number, model code, experiment code, treatment...
read_casupro_ecoReads parameters from a single DSSAT CASUPRO ecotype...
read_culReads parameters from a single DSSAT cultivar parameter file...
read_dssatReads data from a single DSSAT file
read_dssbatchReads data from a single DSSAT batch file
read_ecoReads parameters from a single DSSAT ecotype parameter file...
read_fileaReads data from a single DSSAT file A
read_filetReads time series data from a single DSSAT file T
read_filexReads input data from a single DSSAT experiment file (*.*X)
read_filex_multipleRead multiple File X
read_outputReads data from a single DSSAT output file
read_pestReads input data from a single DSSAT pest file (*.PST)
read_soil_profileReads a single DSSAT formatted soil profile from a raw...
read_solReads soil parameters from a single DSSAT soil parameter file...
read_tierReads and combines data and header information from a single...
read_tier_dataReads data from a single tier of a DSSAT output file
read_wthReads weather input data from a single DSSAT weather file...
run_dssatWrites data from a single DSSAT data tier
splice_in_col_nameSplice column name into vector of column names
write_casupro_ecoWrites parameters to a single DSSAT CASUPRO ecotype parameter...
write_culReads parameters from a single DSSAT cultivar parameter file...
write_dssbatchConstructs and writes a DSSAT simulation batch file method for write_dssbatch()
write_dssbatch.defaultDefault method for write_dssbatch()
write_dssbatch.tbl_dftbl_df method for write_dssbatch()
write_ecoReads parameters from a single DSSAT ecotype parameter file...
write_fileaWrites data to a single DSSAT file A
write_filetWrites data to a single DSSAT file T
write_filexWrites data to a single DSSAT FileX
write_solWrites soil parameters to a single DSSAT soil parameter file...
write_tierWrites data from a single DSSAT data tier
write_wthWrites data to a single DSSAT weather file
DSSAT documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 1:08 a.m.