
Defines functions rename.duplicates

Documented in rename.duplicates

#' Renumbers the object IDs for the duplicate observations generated when
#' bootstrapping
#' Find the largest object ID and renumbers all duplicate IDs starting form 
#' this value. The information for the duplicates is also added to the obs.table
#' @param ddf.dat dataframe containing a single dataset with duplicate 
#'   observations
#' @param double.observer logical indicating whether it is a double observer survey or not
#' @return list with 2 elements:
#'   ddf.dat dataframe containing a single dataset with new and unique 
#'     observation IDs 
#'   obs.table the updated obs.table dataframe containing the new
#'     observation IDs
#' @note Internal function not intended to be called by user.
#' @author Laura Marshall
#' @seealso \code{resample.data}
#' @keywords data manipulation
rename.duplicates <- function(ddf.dat, double.observer = FALSE){
# renumber.duplicates function to renumbers the object IDs for the duplicate observations generated when
# bootstrapping.
# Arguments:
#   ddf.dat dataframe containing a single dataset with duplicate IDs 
#   obs.table dataframe of observation records
# Value: list with 2 elements
#   ddf.dat updated dataframe containing a single dataset  
#   obs.table updated obs.table dataframe
# Function Call: none
  #find largest object ID
  #next.id <- max(unique(obs.table$object)) + 1
  #get table of object IDs
  object.table <- table(ddf.dat$object)
    #get names of duplicated sightings
    duplicate.names <- names(which(object.table > 1))
    #for each duplicate name
    for(obj in seq(along=duplicate.names)){
      #find indexes of duplicates
      duplicate.index <- which(ddf.dat$object == duplicate.names[obj])
      #for each duplicate except the firs
      for(dup in seq(along = duplicate.index)[-1]){
        #renumber object in ddf.dat
        ddf.dat$object[duplicate.index[dup]] <- ddf.dat$object[duplicate.index[dup]] + (dup-1)*0.1      
        #add row to the obs.table
        #obs.table <- rbind(obs.table, obs.table[obs.table$object == duplicate.names[obj],])
        #obs.table$object[nrow(obs.table)] <- next.id
        #increment counter
        #next.id <- next.id + 1 
#    #get names of duplicated sightings
#    duplicate.names <- names(which(object.table > 2))
#    #for each duplicate name
#    for(obj in seq(along=duplicate.names)){
#      #find indexes of duplicates
#      duplicate.index <- which(ddf.dat$object == duplicate.names[obj])
#      #for each duplicate except the first 2
#      dup <- 3
#      while(dup < length(duplicate.index)){
#        #renumber objects in ddf.dat
#        ddf.dat$object[duplicate.index[dup]] <- next.id
#        dup <- dup + 1 
#        ddf.dat$object[duplicate.index[dup]] <- next.id   
#        dup <- dup + 1  
#        #add row to the obs.table
#        obs.table <- rbind(obs.table, obs.table[obs.table$object == duplicate.names[obj],])
#        obs.table$object[nrow(obs.table)] <- next.id
#        #increment counter
#        next.id <- next.id + 1 
#      } 
#    }

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DSsim documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:39 p.m.