write.dssat: Write to a DSSAT-style file from an object of class Dasst

View source: R/write.dssat.R

write.dssatR Documentation

Write to a DSSAT-style file from an object of class Dasst


write.dssat writes to a file the contents of an object of class Dasst.


  write.dssat(object, fnames)



An object of class Dasst.


A character vector. The paths to the files where the contents of the object of class Dasst will be stored.


This function writes to a file the contents of an object of class Dasst striving to maintain compatibility with the DSSAT-style format specifications.

The fnames vector specifies the paths to the files where data will be stored. Each table of the Dasst object may be saved in an individual file. If the length of fnames vector is shorter than the length of the object, then the paths will be recycled as necessary.

If paths contain file names that already exist, first the original files are saved appending a ‘.bak’ extension. Then, the Dasst object is saved using these paths.


length(plantGrowth) <- 1
ffn <- paste(tempdir(), "PlantGro.OUT", sep="/")
write.dssat(plantGrowth, ffn)

Dasst documentation built on April 14, 2022, 1:07 a.m.