Man pages for DecomposeR
Empirical Mode Decomposition for Cyclostratigraphy

approx.corCorrelation of time-series with different sampling rate
as.emdCreate / Check emd objects
as.pulseCreate / Check pulse objects
check.emdCheck an EMD object
condenseCondenses columns of matrix
DecomposeRDecomposeR: Empirical Mode Decomposition for...
DecomposeR.DatasetsDatasets for Testing DecomposeR
dq.algorithmCalculates instantaneous frequency of freqeuncy carriers...
extremistGives local extrema and zero crossings intervals
extricateExtricate a signal: an EEMD algorithm
gzcCalculates instantaneous frequency using the GZC method
gzc.algorithmCalculates instantaneous frequency of simplified IMF using...
gzc.departuredeparture of instantaneous frequency to generalized...
HilbertEnvelopeInstantaneous amplitude
HilbertTransformThe Hilbert transform
InstantaneousFrequencyDerive instantaneous frequency
inst.pulseComputes instantaneous frequency using the Hilbert transform
inst.ratioComputes instantaneous ratio of frequency
integrityIntegrity of a decomposition
is.ratioCheck ratio objects
is.simp.emdTests for simplified EMD
mode.inAdd / Remove / Bind modes in emd objects
n.extremaNumber of extrema/zero-crossings
normaliseEmpirical AM and FM decomposition
oscillateModify a signal using a Van der Pol oscillator
parsimonyParsimony of a decomposition
pile.downDestacks a pile.up() signal
pile.upRepeat and stack a signal in central and line symmetry
plot_emdPlot a decomposition
plot_hexGroup and/or log-scale hexagonal binning
plot_histGroup and/or log-scale histogram
plot_imfPlot IMFs characteristics
plot_pulseVisualise the instantaneous frequencies and amplitudes of a...
plot_ratioVisualise the instantaneous frequencies ratios of a...
PrecisionTesterTest numerically determined instantaneous frequency against...
ratiosComputes ratios of numerical values
repl.outRemove / Bind replicates in emd objects
respaceInterpolate with even spacing
simp.emdSimplifies the components of an EMD
simple.ssaSimple SSA decomposition
symmetrySymmetry of components
DecomposeR documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 9:50 p.m.