Man pages for Diderot
Bibliographic Network Analysis

build_graphBuilds a citation graph.
compute_BC_rankingFunction to compute the Betweenness Centrality ranking.
compute_citation_rankingFunction to compute the citation ranking.
compute_custom_modularityFunction to compute the custom modularity of a citation graph...
compute_JiFunction to compute the evolution of the Ji metric for a term...
compute_Ji_rankingFunction to compute the Ji metric ranking for publications in...
compute_modularityFunction to compute citation graph modularity over a time...
create_bibliographyFunction to create a bibliographic dataset
Diderot-packageBibliographic Network Analysis Package
get_date_from_doiFunction to retrieve publication date based on Digital Object...
get_reference_titleFunction to extract the publication title from a reference...
heterocitationFunction to calculate the heterocitation between two corpora
heterocitation_authorsThis function computes heterocitation metrics for authors
load_graphFunction to load a citation graph
MC_baseline_distributionFunction to compute baseline heterocitation values for the...
nb_refsFunction to calculate the number of citations in a...
plot_authors_countFunction to plot authors count timeseries
plot_heterocitation_timeseriesFunction to plot the heterocitation share and heterocitation...
plot_modularity_timeseriesFunction to plot graph modularity timeseries
plot_publication_curveFunction to plot publication count timeseries
precompute_heterocitationThis function precomputes heterocitation values for each...
save_graphFunction to save a graph
significance_DxFunction to evaluate the significance of the heterocitation...
Diderot documentation built on April 19, 2020, 4:16 p.m.