di_prop_index: Calculate disproportionate impact per the proportionality...

View source: R/proportionality_index.R

di_prop_indexR Documentation

Calculate disproportionate impact per the proportionality index (PI) method.


Calculate disproportionate impact per the proportionality index (PI) method.


di_prop_index(success, group, cohort, weight, data, di_prop_index_cutoff = 0.8)



A vector of success indicators (1/0 or TRUE/FALSE) or an unquoted reference (name) to a column in data if it is specified. It could also be a vector of counts, in which case weight should also be specified (group size).


A vector of group names of the same length as success or an unquoted reference (name) to a column in data if it is specified.


(Optional) A vector of cohort names of the same length as success or an unquoted reference (name) to a column in data if it is specified. disproportionate impact is calculated for every group within each cohort. When cohort is not specified, then the analysis assumes a single cohort.


(Optional) A vector of case weights of the same length as success or an unquoted reference (name) to a column in data if it is specified. If success consists of counts instead of success indicators (1/0), then weight should also be specified to indicate the group size.


(Optional) A data frame containing the variables of interest. If data is specified, then success, group, and cohort will be searched within it.


A numeric value between 0 and 1 that is used to determine disproportionate impact if the proportionality index falls below this threshold; defaults to 0.80.


This function determines disproportionate impact based on the proportionality index (PI) method, as described in this reference from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. It assumes that a higher rate is good ("success"). For rates that are deemed negative (eg, rate of drop-outs, high is bad), then consider looking at the converse of the non-success (eg, non drop-outs, high is good) instead in order to leverage this function properly.


A data frame consisting of:

  • cohort (if used),

  • group,

  • n (sample size),

  • success (number of successes for the cohort-group),

  • pct_success (proportion of successes attributed to the group within the cohort),

  • pct_group (proportion of sample attributed to the group within the cohort),

  • di_prop_index (ratio of pct_success to pct_group),

  • di_indicator (1 if di_prop_index < di_prop_index_cutoff), and

  • success_needed_not_di (the number of additional successes needed in order to no longer be considered disproportionately impacted as compared to the reference), and

  • success_needed_full_parity (the number of additional successes needed in order to achieve full parity with the reference).

When di_prop_index < 1, then there are signs of disproportionate impact.


California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (2014). Guidelines for Measuring Disproportionate Impact in Equity Plans.


di_prop_index(success=Transfer, group=Ethnicity, data=student_equity) %>%

DisImpact documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 1:06 a.m.