Man pages for DiscreteFDR
FDR Based Multiple Testing Procedures with Adaptation for Discrete Tests

ADBHWrapper Functions for the Adaptive Discrete...
amnesiaAmnesia and other drug reactions in the MHRA...
DBHWrapper Functions for the Discrete Benjamini-Hochberg...
DBRThe Discrete Blanchard-Roquain Procedure
direct.discrete.BHDirect Application of Multiple Testing Procedures to Dataset
discrete.BHThe Discrete Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure
DiscreteFDRFDR-based Multiple Testing Procedures with Adaptation for...
fast.DiscreteFast Application of Discrete Multiple Testing Procedures
fisher.pvalues.supportComputing Discrete P-Values and Their Supports for Fisher's...
generate.pvaluesGeneration of P-Values and Their Supports After Data...
hist.DiscreteFDRHistogram of Raw P-Values
kernelKernel Functions
match.pvalsMatching Raw P-Values with Supports
plot.DiscreteFDRPlot Method for 'DiscreteFDR' objects
print.DiscreteFDRPrinting DiscreteFDR results
summary.DiscreteFDRSummarizing Discrete FDR Results
DiscreteFDR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:17 p.m.