Man pages for DockerParallel
Using the Docker Container to Create R Workers on Local or Cloud Platform

accessorsAccessor functions
cash-ClusterMethodGetter-methodGet the exported object by the name
cash-DockerCluster-methodGet the exported object
cash-set-DockerCluster-methodSet the value of the exported object
cleanupDockerClusterCleanup the resources after the cluster has been stopped
cleanupDockerCluster-DummyProvider-methodCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
CloudConfig-classThe cloud configuration
CloudPrivateServerDefine the data object for a cloud private server
CloudProvider-classThe root class of the cloud provider
CloudRuntime-classThe cloud runtime
ClusterMethodGetter-classAn utility class
clusterPresetSet the default cloud provider and container
configServerContainerEnvConfigurate the server container environment
configWorkerContainerEnvConfigurate the worker container environment
containerParallelBackendRegister/deregister the parallel backend
DockerCluster-classThe docker cluster class
DockerCluster-common-parametersCommon 'DockerCluster' parameter
dockerClusterExistsWhether the cluster is running on the cloud?
dockerClusterExists-DummyProvider-methodCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
DockerContainer-classThe root class of the container
DockerHardwareMake a DockerHardware object
DockerHardware-classThe hardware for running the docker
DockerServerManagementRun or stop the server container
DockerStaticDataget/set docker cluster static data
DummyContainerA dummy container
DummyProviderCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
exported-apisGet the exported method and variable from the provider or...
generalDockerClusterTestThe general testthat function for testing the cluster
generics-commonParamscommom params
getDockerServerIpGet the server IP and port
getDockerServerIp-DummyProvider-methodCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
getDockerWorkerNumbersGet the worker number on the cloud
getDockerWorkerNumbers-DummyProvider-methodCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
getServerContainerGet the server container from the worker container
getServerStatusGet the server status
getServerStatus-DummyProvider-methodCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
getSSHPubKeyPathGet the path to the public ssh key
getSSHPubKeyValueGet the public ssh key
initializeCloudProviderInitialize the service provider
initializeCloudProvider-DummyProvider-methodCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
makeDockerClusterCreate a docker cluster
names-ClusterMethodGetter-methodGet the exported object names
names-DockerCluster-methodShow the exported object names
reconnectDockerClusterReconnect to the cluster
reconnectDockerCluster-DummyProvider-methodCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
resetDummyProviderreset the dummy provider
runDockerServer-DummyProvider-methodCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
setDockerWorkerNumberSet the worker number on the cloud. There is no default...
setDockerWorkerNumber-DummyProvider-methodCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
setSSHPubKeyPathSet the ssh key file
show-CloudConfig-methodPrint the CloudConfig
show-CloudRuntime-methodPrint the cloudRuntime
show-ClusterMethodGetter-methodprint method
show-DockerCluster-methodPrint the DockerCluster object
show-DockerContainer-methodShow the docker container
show-DockerHardware-methodPrint the docker hardware
stopDockerServer-DummyProvider-methodCreate a Dummy provider for testing the container
DockerParallel documentation built on June 23, 2021, 5:07 p.m.