DynamicDistribution-package: Dynamic graphs for discrete and continuous distributions

Description Details Author(s) References


This package intends to perform how the probability density functions(probability mass functions for discrete distributions) and numeral characteristics change as the parameters change using a dynamic method.


The most important function is DynCon and DynDis. These two functions are used to perform the result. The valid distributions in this package are Inverse_Gaussian, Exponential, Normal, Negative_Binomial, Lognormal, Logistic, Con_Uniform, Bernoull, Chi_square, Cauchy, Binomial, Beta_dis, Rayleigh, Dis_Uniform, Logarithmic_Series, Laplace, Geometric, Gamma_dis, F_dis, Hypergeometric, Pareto, Poisson, Student_t. And the valid numeral characteristics are cdf, Mean, Variance, Mode, Skewness, Kurtosis.

You will meet two different symbols, "o" and "x" on the graphs of numeral characteristics. The former means the numeral characteristic exists, but the latter means not, so we set it to 0.


Lei ZHANG, Hao JIANG and Chen XUE (Equally contributed, the order is decided by the time the author joined the project.)


K. Krishnamoorthy(2006) Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications University of Louisiana at Lafayette

DynamicDistribution documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:16 a.m.