Getting Started

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Reading in Data

Thie software supports reading in certain types of raw cardiac electric signal currently. This includes both intracardiac and extracardiac data. Please see read_muse() and read_lspro() as examples. If additional formats are requested, please file an issue and provide a sample file (which primarily requires signal, in whatever format, and meta-information about the individual channels).

Here is a simple example of taking a MUSE XML file and converting it to digital signal. This was tested against the 9th version of the MUSE XML format.

# Read in data
fp <- system.file('extdata', 'muse-sinus.xml', package = 'EGM')
xml <- readLines(fp)

# Instead, can read this in as a MUSE XML file
# Now as an `egm` class
ecg <- read_muse(fp)

# Can now plot this easily
ggm(ecg) + 

Similarly, intracardiac recordings obtained through LSPro can be read in as well. The function itself documents how this generally work.

# Read in data
fp <- system.file('extdata', 'lspro-avnrt.txt', package = 'EGM')
lspro <- readLines(fp)
head(lspro, n = 20)

# Instead, read this as signal, breaking apart header and signal data
# Presented as an `egm` class object
egram <- read_lspro(fp)

# Similarly, can be visualized with ease
ggm(egram, channels = c('HIS', 'CS', 'RV'), mode = NULL) +

Class Introduction

The {EGM} package introduces a specific data-oriented class called egm (note the lower-case spelling compared to the package name). This class is the primary data structure, and allows for compatibility within multiple signal types, including when reading in WFDB-formatted data. Once in this class, everything can be written out as well - with the preferred option being for the stated WFDB format.

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

EGM documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:53 p.m.