Man pages for EGRETci
Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends Confidence Intervals

bootAnnualSingle confidence interval bootstrap run
ciBandsConfidence Interval Band Calculations
EGRETci-packageEGRETci package for bootstrap hypothesis tests and confidence...
example_dataExample eBoot
kalmanWRTDSKalman Bootstrapping
makeAnnualPIMake Annual Prediction Intervals
makeDailyPIMake Daily Prediction Intervals
makeMonthPIMake Monthly Prediction Intervals
plotConcHistBootGraph of annual concentration, flow normalized concentration,...
plotFluxHistBootGraph of annual flux, flow normalized flux, and confidence...
runGroupsBootThe bootstrap uncertainty analysis for runGroups results
runPairsBootThe bootstrap uncertainty analysis for runPairs results
saveEGRETciSave EGRETci workspace after running wBT (the WRTDS bootstrap...
setForBootAllows user to set window parameters for the WRTDS model...
trendSetUpInteractive setup for running wBT, the WRTDS Bootstrap Test
wBTRun the WBT (WRTDS Bootstrap Test)
EGRETci documentation built on April 13, 2021, 5:08 p.m.