Man pages for ENiRG
Ecological Niche in R and GRASS

apis.enirgList of an object 'enirg'.
apis.hsmList with values returned from 'enirg.predict'.
boyceHabitat suitability classification using continuous Boyce...
cbi.resultsList with values returned from 'boyce'.
classify.mapClassification of the HSM
enirgEcological Niche in R-Grass
enirg.GUIGraphical User Interface of the _ENiRG_ package
ENiRG-packageEcological Niche in R-Grass
enirg.plotOrdination plot of 'enirg' results
enirg.predictPredicting species' suitable habitat
import.egvsRaster file importation
list.mapsList available raster and/or vector maps
map.infoRetrieve metadata of a raster file from current GRASS...
stdz.mapsStandardization of raster maps
ENiRG documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:15 p.m.