Man pages for EPP
Evaluation of Proximity Programs

assignation_existFunction to assign population to centers of services
assign_clustFunction to assign population to centers of services
assign_voroFunction to assign population to centers of services by...
buff_voronoiFunction to generate buffers intersected by Voronoi polygons.
byosrmRouteAdd the Shortest Path Between Two Points
centers_eppSimulated Centers of attention in Uruguay.
clust_itFunction for iterative clustering
clust_popFunction group population for finding best placing of local...
epp'epp' package
eppexistEvaluation of proximity coverage by a program and estimate...
eppproyFunction to assign population to centers of services
labels_esLabels to translate leafepp maps.
osrm_matrixby100Generate a distance matrix for dataframes of more than 100...
osrm_okVerify osrm server
pop_eppSimulated Population in Uruguay.
voro_polygonCalculate Voronoi polygons for a set of points
EPP documentation built on Jan. 25, 2022, 5:07 p.m.