Man pages for EPX
Ensemble of Phalanxes

AHRCalculate AHR (or expected AHR)
BNholdAID348 hold-out data using Burden Numbers for testing the EPX...
BNsampleAID348 sample (training) data with Burden Numbers for testing...
cv.epxBalanced K-fold cross-validation for an "'epx'" object
epxFitting an Ensemble of Phalanxes
harvestSimulated dataset for testing the EPX package
hit.curvePlot hit curve
IECalculate Initial Enhancement
plot.epxPlot hit curve for an "'epx'" object
predict.epxPredict with an "'epx'" object
RKLCalculate rank last
summary.epxSummarising an "'epx'" object
TOP1Calculate TOP1
EPX documentation built on July 7, 2021, 1:06 a.m.