Man pages for ERP
Significance Analysis of Event-Related Potentials Data

emfaExpectation-Maximization (EM) estimation of a factor model.
erpavetestSignificance testing of averaged ERPs.
erpfatestAdaptive Factor-Adjustement for multiple testing of ERP data
erpFtestFunctional Analysis-of-Variance (Anova) testing of...
ERP-packageSignificance Analysis of Event-Related Potentials Data:...
erpplotPlot of ERP curves or effect curves (difference curve for...
erptestFDR- and FWER-controlling Multiple testing of ERP data
gbtestThe Guthrie-Buchwald procedure for significance analysis of...
ifaInverse of a matrix based on its factor decomposition.
impulsivityEvent-Related Potentials data from a study conducted by Shen...
isqrtfaInverse square-root of a matrix based on its factor...
nbfactorsDetermination of the number of factors in high dimensional...
ERP documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 1:35 a.m.