Man pages for EXRQ
Extreme Regression of Quantiles

Estc.funcEstimation of the C vector
est.gamma.funcEstimation of the Extreme Value Index on the Original Scale
EVI.CFG.funcHill Estimator of the Extreme Value Index
PowT.1tau.funcEstimation for Quantile Power Transformation Model
qparetoQuantile of the Pareto Distribution
rparetoRandom Generation for the Pareto Distribution
select.k.funcSelection of the Tuning Parameter k
testC.EVITesting the Constancy of EVI Over Covariates
ThreeStageThree-Stage Extreme Conditional Quantile Estimator
TwoStageTwo-Stage Extreme Conditional Quantile Estimator
EXRQ documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:26 p.m.