MDRS2016: Dataset MDRS2016.

MDRS2016R Documentation

Dataset MDRS2016.


The simulated dataset with latent variables used in Mayer, Dietzfelbinger, Rosseel, and Steyer (2016). The variables are:


A data frame with 1000 rows and 10 variables.


  • y11. First indicator of latent covariate (pretest mental health).

  • y21. Second indicator of latent covariate (pretest mental health).

  • y31. Third indicator of latent covariate (pretest mental health).

  • y12. First indicator of latent outcome (posttest mental health).

  • y22. Second indicator of latent outcome (posttest mental health).

  • y32. Third indicator of latent outcome (posttest mental health).

  • x. Categorical treatment variable with values 0 (wait list control group), 1 (conventional therapy), and 2 (innovative therapy).

  • k. Categorical covariate with values 0 (male) and 1 (female).

  • Ix1. Binary indicator for conventional therapy (X=1).

  • Ix2. Binary indicator for innovative therapy (X=2).

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