parameters: Set of parameters for minimization

View source: R/INTERFACE__Parameter.R

parametersR Documentation

Set of parameters for minimization



Create the set of parameters the objective function is minimized with respect to. A \mjeqn2 \times n2 x n matrix or a \mjeqn3 \times n3 x n matrix, where the first row is for the lower limits, the second one is for the upper limits, and the (optional) third one is to specify if a parameter is constrained to be integer. In case the third row is not provided, all the parameters are treated as continuous. The name of each of the \mjeqnnn parameters is automatically generated and it is of the form \mjeqnxixi, where \mjeqni=1,...,ni=1,...,n.





a \mjeqn2 \times n2 x n matrix or a \mjeqn3 \times n3 x n matrix.


parameters returns a list of objects of class Parameter.

EmiR documentation built on Dec. 10, 2022, 1:12 a.m.