EnquireR-package: A package dedicated to questionnaires

Description Details Author(s)


The EnQuireR package focuses on categorical variables and provides many tools to automate the survey process. It includes both univariate and multivariate data analyses comprising Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), clustering analysis and semantic marking. The package also offers an easier view of the results by the automatic generation of a .pdf report and of a Beamer type presentation via the use of Sweave. In order to generate those report and presentation, you will need MikTeX and TeXnicCenter. To facilitate the installation for the user, the .sty and .cls files needed for the generation of the reports have been integrated to the package; hence its size.


Package: EnQuireR
Type: Package
Version: 0.09
Date: 2009-06-10
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes


Sebastien Le sebastien.le@agrocampus-ouest.fr
Jerome Bouche jerome.bouche@yahoo.fr
Marine Cadoret marine.cadoret@agrocampus-ouest.fr
Gwenaelle Fournier gwenaelle.fournier@gmail.com
Olivier Fournier olivier.fournier76@gmail.com
Francois Le Poder francois.lepoder@gmail.com

EnQuireR documentation built on May 29, 2017, 7:50 p.m.