
#' @title EvaluationMeasures.MissRate
#' @description MissRate of prediction
#' @details Miss Rate is Proportional of positives that predict as negative .
#' @details By getting the predicted and real values or number of TP,TN,FP,FN return the Miss Rate or False Negative Rate of model
#' @author Babak Khorsand
#' @export EvaluationMeasures.MissRate
#' @param Real Real binary values of the class
#' @param Predicted Predicted binary values of the class
#' @param TP Number of True Positives. Number of 1 in real which is 1 in predicted.
#' @param TN Number of True Negatives. Number of 0 in real which is 0 in predicted.
#' @param FP Number of False Positives. Number of 0 in real which is 1 in predicted.
#' @param FN Number of False Negatives. Number of 1 in real which is 0 in predicted.
#' @param Positive Consider 1 label as Positive Class unless changing this parameter to 0
#' @return MissRate
#' @examples
#' EvaluationMeasures.MissRate(c(1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0),c(1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0))
EvaluationMeasures.MissRate = function(Real=NULL,Predicted=NULL,Positive=1,TP=NULL,TN=NULL,FP=NULL,FN=NULL)

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EvaluationMeasures documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:12 p.m.