Man pages for FABInference
FAB p-Values and Confidence Intervals

fabtzCIz-optimal FAB t-interval
fabzCIFAB z-interval
glmFABFAB inference for generalized linear models
lmFABFAB inference for linear models
mmleFHMarginal MLEs for the Fay-Herriot model
mmleFHPMarginal MLEs for the Fay-Herriot model with known covariance
qr.lmFABQR decomposition
rssSplitResidual sum of squares split
sfabzBayes-optimal spending function
summary.glmFABSummarizing Generalized Linear Model Fits with FAB Inference
summary.lmFABSummarizing Linear Model Fits with FAB Inference
FABInference documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 5:08 p.m.