table_options: Table aesthetics and output options.

View source: R/table_options.R

table_optionsR Documentation

Table aesthetics and output options.


Returns a list of user-supplied parameters and parameter values for outputting tables with custom aesthetics.


  row.FIAname = FALSE,
  col.FIAname = FALSE,
  row.orderby = NULL,
  col.orderby = NULL,
  row.add0 = FALSE,
  col.add0 = FALSE,
  rowlut = NULL,
  collut = NULL,
  row.classify = NULL,
  col.classify = NULL,
  rawonly = FALSE,
  raw.keep0 = FALSE,
  rowgrp = FALSE,
  rowgrpnm = NULL,
  rowgrpord = NULL,
  totals = TRUE,
  allin1 = FALSE,
  metric = FALSE,
  estround = 1,
  pseround = 2,
  estnull = "--",
  psenull = "--",
  divideby = NULL,



Logical. If TRUE, retrieves default FIA reference names for rowvar located in ref_codes data frame. Names are only available for certain variables (Check sort(unique(ref_codes$VARIABLE)) for available names. If row.FIAname = TRUE and rowvar is in ref_codes, the rowvar name is used for the output table, and the rowvar code is used to sort.


Logical. If TRUE, retrieves default FIA reference names for colvar located in ref_codes data frame. Names are only available for certain variables. Check: sort(unique(ref_codes$VARIABLE)) for available names. If col.FIAname = TRUE and rowvar is in ref_codes, the colvar name is used for the output table, and the colvar code is used to sort.


String. Optional. Name of variable to sort table rows. Both the rowvar and row.orderby variables must be included in the same input data.frame. if NULL, and row.FIAname=FALSE or rowvar is not in ref_codes, the rows are ordered by rowvar.


String. Optional. Name of variable to sort table columns. Both the colvar and col.orderby variables must be included in the same input data.frame. if NULL, and col.FIAname=FALSE or colvar is not in ref_codes, the columns are ordered by colvar.


Logical. If TRUE, include rows with 0 values to the output table.


Logical. If TRUE, include columns with 0 values to the output table.


Data frame. A lookup table with variable codes and code names to include as rows of output table (See notes for more information and format).


Data frame. A lookup table with variable codes and code names to include as columns of output table (See notes for more information and format).


Data frame (if categorical) or Vector (if continuous). If clasifying categories, input a dataframe with two columns ('FROM' and 'TO'). If classifying continuous values, input a vector of class breaks for row


Data frame (if categorical) or Vector (if continuous). If clasifying categories, input a dataframe with two columns ('FROM' and 'TO'). If classifying continuous values, input a vector of class breaks for column


Logical. If TRUE, only rawdata are output. If dataset includes many estimation units, and only raw data tables are desired, it is more efficient to output raw data only.


Logical. If TRUE, keep 0 values in raw data tables.


Logical. If TRUE, appends row groups to first column of table. Only available if group category exists in ref_codes table or defined in rowgrpnm (e.g., FORTYPGRPCD, OWNGRPCD).


String. Name of variable for grouping rowvar. Variable must be included in same input table as rowvar.


String. Name of variable to sort row group variable. Variable must be included in same input table as rowgrpnm.


Logical. If TRUE, returns total estimate (mean * AREAUSED).


Logical. If TRUE, both estimates and percent sample error are output in one table as: estimates (percent sample error).


Logical. If TRUE, output if returned in metric units.


Integer. Number of decimal places for estimates.


Integer. Number of decimal places for percent sampling error.


Number or character. The number or symbol to use to indicate 'not sampled' for estimate.


Number or character. The number or symbol to use to indicate 'not sampled' for percent standard error.


String. Conversion number for output ('hundred', 'thousand', 'million').


For extendibility.


If no parameters, an empty list is returned.


A list of user-supplied parameters and parameter values for outputting tables with custom aesthetics.


Grayson W. White


table_options(row.FIAname = TRUE, col.FIAname = TRUE)

FIESTAutils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:06 a.m.