Man pages for FKSUM
Fast Kernel Sums

bin_wtsCompute discrete bin weights
cbin_allocAllocation of points to bins
df_icaGradient of projection index for independent component...
df_pprGradient of the projection index for projection pursuit...
dksumKernel derivative sums
fancy_PPR_initialisationInitialisation for PPR based on Ridge LM after GAM type...
f_icaProjection index for independent component analysis.
fk_densityFast univariate kernel density estimation
fk_dfmdhGradient of projection index for finding minimum density...
fk_fmdhProjection index for finding minimum density hyperplanes
fk_ICAIndependent component analysis with sample entropy estimated...
fk_is_minim_mdCheck if MDH constraints are active
fk_loc_linLocal linear regression estimator
fk_mdC++ code for evaluating mimimum density hyperplane from...
fk_md_bMinimum density hyperplane orthogonal to a vector
fk_md_dpC++ code for evaluating partial gradient of mimimum density...
fk_mdhMinimum density hyperplanes
fk_NWNadaraya-Watson regression estimator
fk_pprProjection pursuit regression with local linear kernel...
fk_regressionFast univariate kernel regression
fk_sumFast Exact Kernel Sum Evaluation
FKSUM-packageFast Exact Kernel Smoothing
f_pprProjection index for projection pursuit regression
h_Gauss_to_KBandwidth conversion from Gaussian
h_K_to_GaussBandwidth conversion to Gaussian
kLLregLeave-one-out regression smoother
kndksumKernel and kernel derivative sums
ksumKernel sums
norm_const_KNormalising constant for kernels in FKSUM
norm_KThe L2 norm of a kernel
plot.fk_densityPlot method for class fk_density
plot.fk_ICAPlot method for class fk_ICA
plot.fk_mdhPlot method for class fk_mdh
plot.fk_pprPlot method for class fk_ppr
plot.fk_regressionPlot method for class fk_regression
plot_kernelPlot the shape of a kernel function implemented in FKSUM...
predict.fk_pprPredict method for class fk_ppr
predict.fk_regressionPredict method for class fk_regression
print.fk_densityPrint method for class fk_density
print.fk_ICAPrint method for class fk_ICA
print.fk_mdhPrint method for class fk_mdh
print.fk_pprPrint method for class fk_ppr
print.fk_regressionPrint method for class fk_regression
roughness_KKernel roughness
sm_bin_wtsCompute smoothed bin weights
var_KVariance of a kernel
whitenWhitening (standardising) a data matrix
FKSUM documentation built on April 15, 2023, 5:06 p.m.