FLAME: Interpretable Matching for Causal Inference

Efficient implementations of the algorithms in the Almost-Matching-Exactly framework for interpretable matching in causal inference. These algorithms match units via a learned, weighted Hamming distance that determines which covariates are more important to match on. For more information and examples, see the Almost-Matching-Exactly website.

Package details

AuthorVittorio Orlandi [aut, cre], Sudeepa Roy [aut], Cynthia Rudin [aut], Alexander Volfovsky [aut]
MaintainerVittorio Orlandi <almost.matching.exactly@gmail.com>
LicenseMIT + file LICENSE
URL https://almost-matching-exactly.github.iohttps://vittorioorlandi.github.io/
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the FLAME package in your browser

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FLAME documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:26 a.m.