
# Rcpp::sourceCpp("src/arbitraryDimFLSSStests/testCharliePara.cpp", verbose = T)
N = 1e7
x = runif(N)
y = runif(N)

maxCore = 10
discount = 1
Nscaler = 3
Rcpp::sourceCpp("src/arbitraryDimFLSSStests/testCharliePara.cpp", verbose = T)
Rcpp::sourceCpp("src/arbitraryDimFLSSStests/testTbbPara.cpp", verbose = T)

a = x + 0.0
b = y + 0.0
  tmp = testTbbPara(a, b, discount = discount, Nscaler = Nscaler, maxCore = maxCore)
}); tmp

a = x + 0.0
b = y + 0.0
  tmp2 = testCharliePara(a, b, discount = discount, Nscaler = Nscaler, maxCore = maxCore)

tmp / tmp2 - 1

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FLSSS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:39 a.m.