Man pages for FRB
Fast and Robust Bootstrap

deliveryDelivery Time Data
diagplotPlot Method for Objects of class 'FRBmultireg'
ForgedBankNotesSwiss (forged) bank notes data
FRBhotellingMMRobust Hotelling test using the MM-estimator
FRBhotellingSRobust Hotelling test using the S-estimator
FRB-internalInternal functions for the package FRB
FRBmultiregGSGS-Estimates for multivariate regression with bootstrap...
FRBmultiregMMMM-Estimates for Multivariate Regression with Bootstrap...
FRBmultiregSS-Estimates for Multivariate Regression with Bootstrap...
FRBpcaMMPCA based on Multivariate MM-estimators with Fast and Robust...
FRBpcaSPCA based on Multivariate S-estimators with Fast and Robust...
GSboot_multiregFast and Robust Bootstrap for GS-Estimates
GSest_multiregGS Estimates for Multivariate Regression
hemophiliaHemophilia Data
MMboot_loccovFast and Robust Bootstrap for MM-estimates of Location and...
MMboot_multiregFast and Robust Bootstrap for MM-Estimates of Multivariate...
MMboot_twosampleFast and Robust Bootstrap for Two-Sample MM-estimates of...
MMest_multiregMM-Estimates for Multivariate Regression
plot.FRBhotPlot Method for Objects of class 'FRBhot'
plot.FRBmultiregPlot Method for Objects of class 'FRBmultireg'
plot.FRBpcaPlot Method for Objects of class 'FRBpca'
print.FRBmultiregPrint Method for Objects of Class 'FRBmultireg'
print.FRBpcaPrint Method for Objects of Class 'FRBpca'
Sboot_loccovFast and Robust Bootstrap for S-estimates of...
Sboot_multiregFast and Robust Bootstrap for S-Estimates of Multivariate...
Sboot_twosampleFast and Robust Bootstrap for Two-Sample S-estimates of...
schooldataSchool Data
ScontrolTuning parameters for multivariate S, MM and GS estimates
Sest_multiregS-Estimates for Multivariate Regression
summary.FRBhotSummary Method for Objects of Class 'FRBhot'
summary.FRBmultiregSummary Method for Objects of Class 'FRBmultireg'
summary.FRBpcaSummary Method for Objects of Class 'FRBpca'
FRB documentation built on May 29, 2017, 5:45 p.m.