Man pages for FactoMineR
Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining

AovSumAnalysis of variance with the contrasts sum (the sum of the...
autoLabFunction to better position the labels on the graphs
CACorrespondence Analysis (CA)
CaGaltCorrespondence Analysis on Generalised Aggregated Lexical...
catdesCategories description
childrenChildren (data)
coeffRVCalculate the RV coefficient and test its significance
condesContinuous variable description
coord.ellipseConstruct confidence ellipses
decathlonPerformance in decathlon (data)
desfreqDescription of frequencies
dimdescDimension description
DMFADual Multiple Factor Analysis (DMFA)
ellipseCADraw confidence ellipses in CA
estim_ncpEstimate the number of components in Principal Component...
FactoMineR-packageMultivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining with R
FAMDFactor Analysis for Mixed Data
gpaGeneralised Procrustes Analysis
graph.varMake graph of variables
HCPCHierarchical Clustering on Principle Components (HCPC)
healthhealth (data)
HMFAHierarchical Multiple Factor Analysis
hobbieshobbies (data)
JONumber of medals in athletism during olympic games per...
LinearModelLinear Model with AIC or BIC selection, and with the...
MCAMultiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)
meansCompPerform pairwise means comparisons
MFAMultiple Factor Analysis (MFA)
mortalityThe cause of mortality in France in 1979 and 2006
PCAPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA)
plot.CADraw the Correspondence Analysis (CA) graphs
plot.CaGaltDraw the Correspondence Analysis on Generalised Aggregated...
plot.catdesPlots for description of clusters (catdes)
plot.DMFADraw the Dual Multiple Factor Analysis (DMFA) graphs
plotellipsesDraw confidence ellipses around the categories
plot.FAMDDraw the Multiple Factor Analysis for Mixt Data graphs
plot.GPADraw the General Procrustes Analysis (GPA) map
plot.GPApartialDraw an interactive General Procrustes Analysis (GPA) map
plot.HCPCPlots for Hierarchical Classification on Principle Components...
plot.HMFADraw the Hierarchical Multiple Factor Analysis (HMFA) graphs
plot.MCADraw the Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) graphs
plot.meansCompDraw the means comparisons
plot.MFADraw the Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) graphs
plot.MFApartialPlot an interactive Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) graph
plot.PCADraw the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) graphs
pouletGenomic data for chicken
predict.CAPredict projection for new rows with Correspondence Analysis
predict.FAMDPredict projection for new rows with Factor Analysis of Mixed...
predict.LinearModelPredict method for Linear Model Fits
predict.MCAPredict projection for new rows with Multiple Correspondence...
predict.MFAPredict projection for new rows with Multiple Factor Analysis
predict.PCAPredict projection for new rows with Principal Component...
prefplsScatter plot and additional variables with quality of...
print.AovSumPrint the AovSum results
print.CAPrint the Correspondance Analysis (CA) results
print.CaGaltPrint the Correspondence Analysis on Generalised Aggregated...
print.catdesPrint the catdes results
print.condesPrint the condes results
print.FAMDPrint the Multiple Factor Analysis of mixt Data (FAMD)...
print.GPAPrint the Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) results
print.HCPCPrint the Hierarchical Clustering on Principal Components...
print.HMFAPrint the Hierarchical Multiple Factor Analysis results
print.LinearModelPrint the LinearModel results
print.MCAPrint the Multiple Correspondance Analysis (MCA) results
print.MFAPrint the Multiple Factor Analysis results
print.PCAPrint the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) results
reconstReconstruction of the data from the PCA, CA or MFA results
RegBestSelect variables in multiple linear regression
simuleSimulate by bootstrap
summary.CAPrinting summeries of ca objects
summary.CaGaltPrinting summaries of CaGalt objects
summary.FAMDPrinting summeries of FAMD objects
summary.MCAPrinting summeries of MCA objects
summary.MFAPrinting summaries of MFA objects
summary.PCAPrinting summeries of PCA objects
svd.tripletSingular Value Decomposition of a Matrix
tab.disjonctifMake a disjonctif table
tab.disjonctif.propMake a disjunctive table when missing values are present
teatea (data)
textualText mining
write.infilePrint in a file
FactoMineR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:36 a.m.