Man pages for FastImputation
Learn from Training Data then Quickly Fill in Missing Data

BoundNormalizedVariableTake a normalized variable and transform it back to a bounded...
CovarianceWithMissingEstimate covariance when data is missing
FastImputationUse the pattern learned from the training data to impute...
FI_testImputation Test Data
FI_trainImputation Training Data
FI_trueImputation "True" Data
NormalizeBoundedVariableTake a variable bounded above/below/both and return an...
TrainFastImputationLearn from the training data so that later you can fill in...
UnfactorColumnsConvert columns of a dataframe from factors to character or...
FastImputation documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 5:06 p.m.