getPhotoSearch: Search for photos on Flickr by user id, tags, license, or...

View source: R/getPhotoSearch.R

getPhotoSearchR Documentation

Search for photos on Flickr by user id, tags, license, or bounding box


Use the Flickr Search API to return pages of photos sorted by date posted, date taken, interestingness, and relevance. Optional search parameters including spatial bounding box, user id, tags, and image license.


  api_key = NULL,
  user_id = NULL,
  tags = NULL,
  license_id = NULL,
  sort = "date-posted",
  desc = FALSE,
  bbox = NULL,
  img_size = NULL,
  extras = NULL,
  per_page = 100,
  page = NULL,

  api_key = NULL,
  user_id = NULL,
  tags = NULL,
  license_id = NULL,
  sort = "date-posted",
  desc = FALSE,
  bbox = NULL,
  img_size = NULL,
  extras = NULL,
  per_page = 100,
  page = NULL,



Flickr API key. If api_key is 'NULL', the function uses [getFlickrAPIKey()] to use the environment variable "FLICKR_API_KEY" as the key.


The NSID of the user with photos to search. If this parameter is NULL passed then all public photos will be searched.


A vector of tags to search for.


The license id for photos. For possible values see the Flickr API method or see details for more information.


Order to sort returned photos. The possible values are: "date-posted-asc", "date-posted-desc", "date-taken-asc", "date-taken-desc", "interestingness-desc", "interestingness-asc", and "relevance" The trailing "-asc" or "-desc" indicator for sort direction is optional when using the desc parameter.


If 'TRUE', sort in descending order by the selected sort variable; defaults to 'FALSE'.


A object of class 'bbox' or a numeric vector with values for xmin, ymin, xmax and ymax representing the bottom-left corner of the box and the top-right corner.


A character string with the abbreviation for one or more image sizes ("sq", "t", "s", "q", "m", "n", "z", "c", "l", or "o"). If a single img_size is provided the url, width, and height columns are renamed (e.g. img_url instead of url_sq) and an img_asp column is added to the results; defaults to 'NULL'.


A vector of extra information to fetch for each returned record. Currently supported fields are: c("description", "license", "date_upload", "date_taken", "owner_name", "icon_server", "original_format", "last_update", "geo", "tags", "machine_tags", "o_dims", "views", "media", "path_alias", "url_sq", "url_t", "url_s", "url_q", "url_m", "url_n", "url_z", "url_c", "url_l", "url_o")


Number specifying how many results per page to return. Default 100 results per page. Maximum of 250 if 'bbox' provided or 500 otherwise.


Number specifying which search results page to return. Default is page 1 of results returned.


Additional parameters that can include licence_id (legacy spelling),


License id options:

license_id can be an integer from 0 to 10 or a corresponding license code including:

- "c" (All Rights Reserved), - "by-bc-sa" (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike), - "by-nc" (Attribution-NonCommercial), - "by-nc-nd" (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs), - "by" (Attribution), - "by-sa" (Attribution-ShareAlike), - "by-nd" (Attribution-NoDerivs), - "nkc" (No known copyright restrictions), - "pd-us" (United States Government Work), - "cc0" (Public Domain Dedication), - or "pd" (Public Domain Mark).


This function returns data of specific photos matching search parameters.


## Not run: 
# Search for photos tagged "cats" and "dogs"
# Return images in descending order of date taken
  api_key = "XXXXXXXXXX",
  sort = "date-taken-desc",
  tags = c("cats", "dogs")

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
# Search for photos uploaded to the NPS Grand Canyon user account.
# Return extra fields including the date taken and square image URL.
  api_key = "XXXXXXXXXX",
  user_id = "grand_canyon_nps",
  extras = c("date_taken", "url_sq")

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
# Search for photos tagged "panda" in the area of Ueno Zoo, Tokyo, Japan
  api_key = "XXXXXXXXXX",
  tags = "panda",
  bbox = c(139.7682226529, 35.712627977, 139.7724605432, 35.7181464141),
  extras = c("geo", "owner_name", "tags")

## End(Not run)

FlickrAPI documentation built on July 11, 2022, 5:06 p.m.