Man pages for FlowerMate
Reciprocity Indices for Style-Polymorphic Plants

distylous1D Distylous population example dataset
distylous1D1D Distylous populations example dataset
distylous2anthers1D and 2 anthers Distylous population example dataset
distylous3D3D Distylous populations example dataset
enantiostylous3D enantiostylous population example dataset
FlowerMate-packageMultidimensional reciprocity and inaccuracy indexes in...
inaccuracyEstimation of Inaccuracy and Reciprocity indexes
SimDimorSimulate data of heterostylous individuals
SimTrimorSimulate data of stylar dimorphic populations
tristylous1D tristylous population example dataset
tristylous1D1D Tristylous populations example dataset
tristylous3D1D Tristylous populations example dataset
FlowerMate documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:52 a.m.