Man pages for GAD
GAD: Analysis of variance from general principles

as.fixedEncodes a vector as a "fixed factor"
as.randomEncodes a vector as a "random factor"
C.testCochran's C test of homogeneity of variances
estimatesEstimates of an ANOVA design
gadGeneral ANOVA Design
GAD-packageAnalysis of variance from general principles
is.fixedTests if a factor is fixed
is.randomTests if a factor is ramdom
ratsDataset - Glycogen content of rat livers.
rohlf95Dataset - Mosquitos' wing data colleted by Rohlf and cited in...
snailsDataset - Growth rates of snails on large boulders on...
snk.testStudent-Newman-Keuls (SNK) procedure
GAD documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:01 a.m.