Contprof: Contour Plot of the Profile Log-likelihood of the GB2...

ContprofR Documentation

Contour Plot of the Profile Log-likelihood of the GB2 Distribution


Produces a contour plot of the profile log-likelihood, which is a function of two parameters only.


contprof.gb2(z, w=rep(1,length(z)), resol, low=0.1, high=20)



numeric; vector of data values.


numeric; vector of weights. Must have the same length as z. By default w is a vector of 1.


numeric; number of grid points horizontally and vertically. For better graph quality, we recommend a value of 100.

low, high

numeric; lower and upper factors for scale.


The matrix containing the values to be plotted (NAs are allowed) is of size resol \times resol. The locations of the grid lines at which the values of the profile log-likelihood are measured are equally-spaced values between low and high multiplied by the initial parameters.


A contour plot of the profile log-likelihood. The initial Fisk estimate is added as point "F".


Monique Graf

See Also

fisk for the Fisk estimate, ProfLogLikelihood for the profile log-likelihood and contour (package graphics) for more details on contour plots.

GB2 documentation built on June 22, 2022, 9:07 a.m.

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