Man pages for GEInter
Robust Gene-Environment Interaction Analysis

ARThe covariance matrix with an autoregressive (AR) structure...
Augmented.dataAccommodating missingness in environmental measurements in...
bic.PTRegBIC for PTReg
BLMCPAccommodating missingness in environmental measurements in...
coef.bic.BLMCPExtract coefficients from a "bic.BLMCP" object
coef.bic.PTRegExtract coefficients from a "bic.PTReg" object
coef.BLMCPExtract coefficients from a "BLMCP" object
coef.PTRegExtract coefficients from a "PTReg" object
coef.RobSBoostingExtract coefficients from a "RobSBoosting" object
HNSCCA data frame containing the TCGA head and neck squamous cell...
Miss.boostingRobust gene-environment interaction analysis approach via...
plot.bic.BLMCPPlot coefficients from a "bic.BLMCP" object
plot.bic.PTRegPlot coefficients from a "bic.PTReg" object
plot.BLMCPPlot coefficients from a "BLMCP" object
plot.Miss.boostingPlot coefficients from a "Miss.boosting" object
plot.PTRegPlot coefficients from a "PTReg" object
plot.RobSBoostingPlot coefficients from a "RobSBoosting" object
predict.bic.BLMCPMake predictions from a "bic.BLMCP" object.
predict.bic.PTRegMake predictions from a "bic.PTReg" object
predict.BLMCPMake predictions from a "BLMCP" object
predict.Miss.boostingMake predictions from a "Miss.boosting" object
predict.PTRegMake predictions from a "PTReg" object
predict.RobSBoostingMake predictions from a "RobSBoosting" object
PTRegRobust gene-environment interaction analysis using penalized...
QPCorr.matrixRobust identification of gene-environment interactions using...
QPCorr.pvalP-values of the "QPCorr.matrix" obtained using a permutation...
Rob_dataA matrix containing the simulated data for 'RobSBoosting' and...
RobSBoostingRobust semiparametric gene-environment interaction analysis...
simulated_dataSimulated data for generating response
GEInter documentation built on May 20, 2022, 1:17 a.m.