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Functions for reading accelerometer data from the following file formats:

Brand | Device name | File extension | Data type | GGIRread function ------ | ------- | ------- | ---------------- | --------------------- Axivity Ltd | AX3 and AX6 | .cwa | raw gravitational units |readAxivity ActivInsights Ltd | GENEActiv Original and Sleep | .bin | raw gravitational units | readGENEActiv Unilever Discover Ltd | Genea (no longer manufactured) | .bin | raw gravitational units | readGenea ActiGraph | ??? | .csv | count data | readActigraphCount Actiwatch | ??? | .csv and .awd | count data | readActiwatchCount Actical | ??? | .csv | count data | readActicalCount Philips Health Band | ??? | .xlsx | count data | readPHBCount Fitbit | ??? | .json | sleep, steps or calories data | readFitbit

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GGIRread documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 5:06 p.m.