Man pages for GGIRread
Wearable Accelerometer Data File Readers

checkTimeFormatCheck timestamp format
detectQuoteDetect quote
findStartDataFind start of data inside text file.
GENEActivReaderFunction (C++) to read binary files as produced by the...
getExtensionGet File Extension
GGIRread-packageA package to read data files from wearable accelerometers
mergeFitbitDataMerge Fitbit json files into one data.frame
mergePHBdataMerge Philips Health Band xlsx file pairs into one csv file
readActicalCountRead Actical Count data files (csv)
readActiGraphCountRead ActiGraph Count data files (csv)
readActiwatchCountRead Actiwatch Count data files (csv)
readAxivityFunction to read .cwa-format files as produced by the...
readFitbitRead Fitbit data files (json)
readGeneaFunction to read binary files as produced by the...
readGENEActivFunction (R) to read binary files as produced by the...
readPHBCountRead PHB Count data files (xlsx)
readWavDeprecated function to read .wav files as can be stored with...
resampleResample timeseries
GGIRread documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 5:06 p.m.