Man pages for GIFT
Access to the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits (GIFT)

GIFT_checklistsGIFT checklists
GIFT_checklists_conditionalGIFT checklists meta data
GIFT_checklists_rawGIFT checklists
GIFT_coverageTaxonomic and trait coverage per geographic region and...
GIFT_envEnvironmental data for GIFT checklists
GIFT_env_meta_miscMetadata for the environmental miscellaneous variables in...
GIFT_env_meta_rasterMetadata for the environmental rasters in GIFT
GIFT_listsMetadata for checklists available in GIFT
GIFT_no_overlapSelect non-overlapping regions
GIFT_overlapSpatial overlap between GIFT polygons and external polygons
GIFT_phylogenyPhylogeny of the species in GIFT
GIFT_referencesMetadata for references available in GIFT
GIFT_regionsMetadata for GIFT regions
GIFT_richnessSpecies richness per geographic region and taxonomic group in...
GIFT_shapesShape files of GIFT regions
GIFT_spatialSpatial selection of GIFT checklists
GIFT_speciesSpecies list in GIFT
GIFT_species_distributionGIFT species distribution
GIFT_species_lookupSpecies list in GIFT
GIFT_taxgroupTaxonomic group of species
GIFT_taxonomyTaxonomy of GIFT
GIFT_traitsTrait values at the species level
GIFT_traits_metaTrait metadata
GIFT_traits_rawRaw trait values
GIFT_traits_taxTraits at the taxonomic level
GIFT_versionsVersions of GIFT available
western_mediterraneanShape file of the western Mediterranean basin
GIFT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:11 a.m.