Man pages for GNAR
Methods for Fitting Network Time Series Models

active_node_plotProduces an active node matrix heat-map.
AIC.GNARfitAkaike's Information Criterion for GNAR models
as.matrix.GNARnetConverts a GNAR networks into a weighted adjacency matrix
BIC.GNARfitBayesian Information Criterion for GNAR models
coef.GNARfitFunction to return coefficients of GNARfit objects
corbit_plotCorbit (correlation-orbit) plot, which aids model selection...
fitted.GNARfitFunction to return fitted values of GNARfit objects
fiveNodeExample Network Time Series
gdpVTSDifferenced GDP values for 35 countries
get_k_stages_adjacency_tensorComputes a list of r-stage adjacency matrices.
GNARGNAR package
GNARdesignFunction to create the GNAR design matrix
GNARfitFitting function for GNAR models
GNARsimSimulates a GNAR process
GNARtoigraphConverts a GNAR network to a weighted igraph object
GNARXdesignFunction to create the GNARX design matrix
GNARXfitFitting function for GNARX models
GNARXsimSimulates a GNARX process
igraphtoGNARConverts an igraph to GNAR network
is.GNARfitFunction to check GNARfit objects
is.GNARnetFunctions to check and create GNARnet objects
local_relevance_plotProduces a local neighbourhood relevance plot based on the...
logLik.GNARfitLog-likelihood method for GNARfit objects
logMVbedMVC.vtsNumber of COVID19 admission to mechanical ventilation beds
matrixtoGNARConverts an adjacency matrix to GNAR network
nacfComputes the Network Autocorrelation Function (NACF)
na.rowIdentifies which rows of a matrix have NAs
NHSTrustMVCAug120.netConstructed network linking 140 NHS Trusts in England and...
nobs.GNARfitFunction to return the number of observations input to...
node_relevance_plotProduces a node relevance plot, which compares the impact...
NofNeighboursCalculates stage-neighbours of a network
plot.GNARnetPlot function for GNAR networks
pnacfComputes the Partial Network Autocorrelation Function (PNACF)
predict.GNARfitPrediction of a GNARfit object
print.GNARfitFunction to print the model and coefficients of GNARfit...
print.GNARnetPrint function for GNAR networks
residToMatConverts the output of a GNARfit call to fitted and residual...
residuals.GNARfitFunction to return residuals of GNARfit objects
seed.nosVector of seed numbers
seedToNetProduces a random network from a seed value
simulate.GNARfitFunction to simulate from a GNARfit object
summary.GNARfitReturns model summary for a GNAR model fit
summary.GNARnetSummary function for GNAR networks
vcov.GNARfitCalculate variance-covariance matrix for a itted GNARfit...
vswindWind Speed example network time series
wagner_plotProduces a Wagner plot for the specified choice of covariates...
weights_matrixComputes the weights matrix corresponding to the GNAR network...
windnetplotProduce bespoke plot of the wind data network
GNAR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:25 a.m.