Man pages for GNAR
Methods for Fitting Network Time Series Models

AIC.GNARfitAkaike's Information Criterion for GNAR models
as.matrix.GNARnetConverts a GNAR networks into a weighted adjacency matrix
BIC.GNARfitBayesian Information Criterion for GNAR models
coef.GNARfitFunction to return coefficients of GNARfit objects
fitted.GNARfitFunction to return fitted values of GNARfit objects
fiveNodeExample Network Time Series
gdpVTSDifferenced GDP values for 35 countries
GNARGNAR package
GNARdesignFunction to create the GNAR design matrix
GNARfitFitting function for GNAR models
GNARsimSimulates a GNAR process
GNARtoigraphConverts a GNAR network to a weighted igraph object
GNARXdesignFunction to create the GNARX design matrix
GNARXfitFitting function for GNARX models
GNARXsimSimulates a GNARX process
igraphtoGNARConverts an igraph to GNAR network
is.GNARfitFunction to check GNARfit objects
is.GNARnetFunctions to check and create GNARnet objects
logLik.GNARfitLog-likelihood method for GNARfit objects
matrixtoGNARConverts an adjacency matrix to GNAR network
na.rowIdentifies which rows of a matrix have NAs
nobs.GNARfitFunction to return the number of observations input to...
NofNeighboursCalculates stage-neighbours of a network
plot.GNARnetPlot function for GNAR networks
predict.GNARfitPrediction of a GNARfit object
print.GNARfitFunction to print the model and coefficients of GNARfit...
print.GNARnetPrint function for GNAR networks
residToMatConverts the output of a GNARfit call to fitted and residual...
residuals.GNARfitFunction to return residuals of GNARfit objects
seed.nosVector of seed numbers
seedToNetProduces a random network from a seed value
simulate.GNARfitFunction to simulate from a GNARfit object
summary.GNARfitReturns model summary for a GNAR model fit
summary.GNARnetSummary function for GNAR networks
vcov.GNARfitCalculate variance-covariance matrix for a itted GNARfit...
vswindWind Speed example network time series
windnetplotProduce bespoke plot of the wind data network
GNAR documentation built on April 28, 2023, 1:12 a.m.