
Defines functions GNRS

Documented in GNRS

#'Standardize political division names
#'GNRS returns standardized political division names (according to geonames.org).
#' @param political_division_dataframe A properly formatted dataframe, see http://bien.nceas.ucsb.edu/bien/tools/gnrs/gnrs-api/
#' @param batches NULL or Numeric.  Optional number of batches to divide the request into for parallel processing.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to internal functions
#' @return Dataframe containing GNRS results.
#' @note To create an empty and properly formatted dataframe, use GNRS_template()
#' @note The fields the GNRS takes as input are titled "country", "state_province", and "county_parish" for simplicity, but these field actually refer to 0th-, 1st-, and 2nd-order political division, respectively. In the case of some exceptions (e.g. the UK) this distinction becomes important (e.g. Ireland is a 1st-order political division and should be treated as a "state_province" and cannot be matched as a country.)
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON fromJSON
#' @export
#' @examples\dontrun{
#' results <- GNRS(political_division_dataframe = gnrs_testfile)
#' }
GNRS <- function(political_division_dataframe, batches = NULL, ...){
  # Check for internet access
  if (!check_internet()) {
    message("This function requires internet access, please check your connection.")

  #check that input is a data.frame
    stop("political_division_dataframe should be a data.frame")
  #Check that user_id is populated properly, and populate if not


    political_division_dataframe$user_id <- 

    political_division_dataframe <- 

  if(any(duplicated(political_division_dataframe$user_id))) {
    stop("user_id should be either null or populated by unique values")
  #check that batches makes sense
  #check that batches is either NULL or numeric
  if(!is.null(batches) & !is.numeric(batches)) {
    stop("Argument 'batches' must be either NULL or a positive integer. ")

  #check that it is a whole number greater than zero

    if(batches<=0 | batches%%1!=0) {
      stop("Argument 'batches' must be either NULL or a positive integer.")


  # Convert the data to JSON
  data_json <- toJSON(unname(political_division_dataframe))
  results <- gnrs_core(mode = "resolve",
                       data_json = data_json, ...)

  #If the API didn't work, return a null

  #If the results are properly formatted, but don't have the right columns, return a null
  if(!"country" %in% colnames(results)){
    message("There appears to be a problem with the API, improperly formatted data were returned.")

  #Re-order results to match original data
  results <- results[match(table = results$user_id,
                           x = political_division_dataframe$user_id),]

  #reset the row numbers
  rownames(results) <- NULL 



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GNRS documentation built on Oct. 14, 2021, 1:09 a.m.